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Experience a faster, better way of learning a new language with this limited-time offer

Learn a new language faster!

Speak from your very first lesson, so you’re confident in any situation.

Say “Goodbye” to boring drills and memorization with natural language learning.

Learn high-frequency words and phrases you can use in any conversation.

Reach fluency with short, 20-minute lessons, 5 days a week.

Hot Air Ballon

What makes OptiLingo different?

Language learning doesn’t have to be a long, boring challenge that leaves you wondering if you’re making progress.

OptiLingo gives you a different path. Acquire language naturally, without memorization or boring drills. And learn only what you need to start speaking like a local today!

Reach fluency in just 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Everything you need to learn a new language in one accessible app

  • Complete Access

    Explore 100 lessons designed to help you reach fluency in each of our 20 languages.

  • High-frequency phrases

    Discover the most commonly spoken words and phrases.

  • Spaced repetition systems

    Naturally revisit previous lessons for review without drilling or memorizing.

  • Educational freedom

    Practice what you want to practice in the way that works best for you.

  • Short 20-minute sessions

    Life is busy and chaotic. Your lessons need to fit into your schedule.

What our users are saying

See how much easier language learning is with OptiLingo

“A very interesting and enjoyable language learning app. This app teaches very fluently with understandable method. Really love optilingo. An excellent app.” Kantilal
“I tried (and failed) to learn German in highschool. In the classroom there was very little opportunity to speak German. Same thing with the commercial programs that only teach you what to say as a tourist. But I wanted to learn to communicate in everyday situations really like how the German course focuses on everyday phrases. I also like how the phrases can be mixed and matched to say even more useful things. Overall, I’m very happy with my results so far." Gary
“The course really works. I learned more from the French Language course by OptiLingo than I did from my semester of French in high school. Within just a couple of weeks, I had a good-sized vocabulary and excellent knowledge of French grammar.” Ernest

Ready to learn a new language? Explore OptiLingo Today!

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